You can connect Whats2B to any other external or internal management service.
You can use a folder to set to import files that follow a structure containing the data to be processed.
Select a CLOUD folder that will always listen for new files to be interpreted and managed within the software
There are two types of integration you can use:
You can Download a Sample Template of the File to Use.
Example of How to Use the Structure of the TXT File to Create in ZAPIER
Example of How to Use the Structure of the TXT File to Create in ZAPIER
PLEASE NOTE: WHATS2B is not connected to the WhatsApp company (WhatsApp Inc. and / or WhatsApp Ireland Limited) or any other company of the Facebook companies. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. There are no particular contractual relationships between WHATS2B and the messaging platforms relating to the provision of services by WHATS2B to its customers.
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